Drum systems/repairs

Steinemann drum systems for the production of superior surface results. The high-precision production techniques used to make our drums and the virtually vibration-free, low-wear interplay of the overall system ensure consistently high panel quality.
What makes our drum systems unique:

Sophisticated drive decoupling
Reduction of vibrations

Forged drum ends
Grooving and Arctech® coating

Beating design
Lubrication design
At a glance:
Our calibration drums figures speak for themselves:
- Radial runout accuracy of 0.02 mm
- Balanced to exactly 5 grams at 2,000 rpm
- Drum cylindricity of 0.015 mm and around 0.005 mm for bearing seats
We offer a 24-month process reliability guarantee on:
- Panel dimensional tolerances
- Target surface finish
- Machine availability
Our contact drum exchange program for Europe:

Your benefits:
- No spare drums need to be held in stock
- Guarantee automatically extended by 24 months
- No capital spending on new drums needed
- High process reliability
- Consistent, trusted Steinemann quality
Service and cost savings
- On-site installation included
- Transport included
- No transport costs
- No customs formalities
- All-inclusive Steinemann service
- Plannable costs
- Reduction to TCO
If you have enquiries or questions, please contact our experts:Spares & Consumables
+41 71 313 51 51
+41 71 313 52 52