The contact drums in the calibration process are at the heart of a wide-belt sander. Even minor deviations in the rotational accuracy or balance of the drums can critically impair surface quality.

When it comes to ensuring consistent quality, high manufacturing precision and sensitive balancing are essential for all types of drums. At speeds of up to 1,500 rpm, working widths of up to 3.3 m and an output of up to 200 kW per unit, the drums have to withstand a lot to sand your wood-based panels without any vibration and at an accuracy level in the region of hundredths of a millimetre. One key quality feature of the drums is their coating. The better (harder) the coating, the lower the wear and the longer the service life.
To minimize natural wear of the drums during the sanding process, Steinemann Technology has developed a special method for surface hardening: the Arctech® coating. It is applied in an arc-spray process to the surface of a contact drum. Because Arctech® is four times harder than the base material, the coating guarantees a much longer service life than that achieved by an untreated, conventional contact drum.
The Steinemann production plant is one of the most modern and high-performance drum competence centers in the world. Founded on over 50 years of experience and operated by a team of certified specialists, it unites all production steps under one roof. The flexible fleet of machines makes it possible to process drums of varying dimensions and design. A process-oriented quality management system guarantees total compliance with quality, time and cost targets.

Did you know that contact drums, tension drums, guide rollers and conveyor rollers can be refurbished?
As a drum and roller specialist, Steinemann Technology not only manufactures new drums, it also repairs used ones. We refurbish worn contact drums in-house and treat them with a wear-resistant Arctech® coating. Drums repaired by this method are like new, and ready for everyday, rugged use in our customer’s sanding lines.
We get your drums back into shape and even offer a 24-month guarantee on all repaired rums. Click here to request an offer on your drums.