For the current issue of our newsletter, we asked our Head of Engineering & Design, Benjamin Braunmiller, some questions about his job, his time at Steinemann and current challenges. Read on.
First, a few questions about you …

If you could meet a famous person – dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Thomas Alva Edison. He was the pioneer of modern invention and innovation processes, but was not able to turn them into economic success to the same extent. The widespread use of electricity has changed people’s everyday lives beyond recognition and we can benefit from his experience, as networking machines more and more has the potential to bring about similarly major changes.
What job did your parents envision you having?
I’ve had a passion for technology since I was a kid. The only question was whether it would be electrical or mechanical…
And how did you professional career pan out?
After high school, I studied mechanical engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. I took various internships and complete my thesis in the automotive industry, then decided to try my luck at Steinemann as an application specialist. I’ve spent a lot of time at Steinemann with customers trying things out, testing new products and solving problems, learning a lot about the sanding process along the way. I’ve applied that knowledge to develop our abrasives to the next level. Now I am back where it all began and can apply the experience I’ve acquired to product development.
You have just recently been promoted to Head of Engineering & Design. What does a typical working day look like?
I think since I started at Steinemann there haven’t been 2 days that have gone the same way – and that’s what fascinates me. There’s such variety with new challenges all the time.
What do you like most about your job or which part do you find the most enjoyable?
Well, it is definitely the versatility that makes this job so interesting. Every day brings new challenges and tasks which have to be solved. I like the interaction between mechanical and electrical design, the influence of different variants and, last but not least, the opportunities offered by automation.
What was the most impressive thing that happened to you during your time with Steinemann?
My first visit to a panel manufacturing plant and discussing where all the panels are used. It is exciting just how many different applications there are and how great the demand is.
If you had to pick a favorite project, what would it be and why?
It would be everything about TSQ. I was and am allowed to play a decisive role so that we can provide our customers with an end-to-end coordinated system.
What challenges and opportunities do you see for the sanding line and the sanding process in the context of digitalization and the Internet of Things?
The biggest challenge, which is also the biggest opportunity, is the increasing volume of data. Every sensor makes the volumes of data more difficult to handle. But you also get deeper and deeper insights into the machine processes and be able to make targeted optimizations.
What do you like most about working at Steinemann?
It is the opportunity to set new standards in the industry, while also actively participating in the move to automation and digitalization in a niche sector. Ultimately, everything we do is about getting our customers ahead and strengthening and expanding our position as a technology leader.